Monday, December 24, 2012


“There lies within all of us the ability to find peace in the midst of personal storms; but it all comes at a price through the inner sanctums of our faith in a loving God.” 


“Know this today that God does His own interior decorating of His people.” 


Hidden Treasures

“With God there are no limitations; things can always grow no matter where they are planted.” 

“Know this today that God knows were we are planted in His world.”   

The Path We Walk

“Many are not for certain in knowing the path or way to get to the promise land.

The path you begin on is not as important as choosing a path that leads in the right direction.     

"Know this today that there is a path that leads to a clearer and closer walk with God.”   

Golden Sunset

“No matter what time it is in your life;  You can still grow strong and share something with the world.

The world is in need of individuals who are willing to leave a legacy of growth and shine throughout their lives for all to see. 

“Know this today that God helps us to continue to grow in his Love and Grace to meet the needs of those who will come.”

Just Beneath the Surface

“What is on top is not always a reflection of what is within;

Man too often looks on the outside, but God looks at the heart.”

“Know this today that God knows our past, is with us in the now and will be with us throughout our future.”


Love In Action

“The tragedy of life is not that we can make a difference; but rather our unwillingness to get involved. 

Getting involved to make a difference in this trouble world is a reflection of one’s commitment to demonstrate the Love of God in action.” 


“Know this today that behind each loving action is a God that provides unlimited and abounded resources to get the job done.”

Standing Tall

“There will come times in our lives when the waters of life rise up and flow over our foundations.  But if our roots are deep enough then we will be able to stand in the times that come to shake our faith.”   


“Know this today that God helps us to keep our feet dry no matter how deep the water gets.”

Stained Glass

“Our view of that in front of us and that which is behind us is always tented by the color of our actions.

Change your actions and you will change your direction in which you are headed and its view.”   

“Know this today that God sees behind the true lenses that we cover our lives with and helps us to see beyond what is before us.”

When Water Falls

“The water that falls from the top had its first beginning from below and within.

It only spills over when there is too much within.  It not only refreshes all that it touches, but it also sustains all it fills.” 

“Know this today that God restores, refreshes and fills those who remain under His care.” 

Letting God In

“You cannot solve the problems you face or the issues of those around you; unless there is a wiliness to allow God to come into the shadowiness of our lives and be the ruler over all – with God no key is necessary.”


“Know this today that God always brings light to any dark situation and provides the solution to make the choice clear.”  


“In the daily quest to achieve greatness, one must always remain faithful to their core beliefs.  Those beliefs will always be your anchor, guild and provide the foundation to move forward.  When we remain true to our core beliefs it is a reflection of who we really are and what we act upon.”


“Know this today that being anchored comes with a price.  The cost – total surrender to God.”

Successful People

“The most successful people in the world are not the ones who achieve fame and fortune.  True success cannot be measured in the gathering of wealth, titles or position.  True success is reflective of a life that is aligned to the principles of the Word of God.”


“Know this today, that the ones who are truly rich and blessed are the ones who know that God is a re-warder of them that diligently seek Him.”

In His Footsteps

“There come times in each of our lives that things do not turn out the way we pray or wish them to be.  Setbacks, delays, disappointments, misunderstanding and yes, even- confusion.  And there are times when the closest people around us don’t believe in our abilities to make it.  But we know that what appears to be defeat in our lives is just the beginning of a new journey.”


“Know this today, that we can take comfort in knowing that God is in the lead – and that I am just following in the impressions.”

In A Life Time

“In our life time we all will experience the joys and sadness of life.  In our moments of joy we are happy and feel that this is what life is all about.  In our moments of sadness, we try to search for the reasons why, how come and who is to blame.” 

“Know this today that behind every situation, no matter what the outcome, the story line, and even through the bilk hours of each day; remember you are not along – God is still In Charge.”  

The Right Direction

“I know that the course we are on is difficult at times to endure; its appearance makes it seem that our heading is off.  But even as the rough waters of this life are dashing across our decks; dark clouds hang over our skies; and when it seems that we have come to our breaking point.” 


“Know this today and be assured that in the midst of it all – God is at the Helm.  For we are not lost; but are headed in the right direction.”