Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Time Is Now and Not Later

Ø If there was ever a time for men and women of faith to pray, that time is now and not later.

Ø  If there was ever a time for men and women of faith to love their families, that time in now and not later.

Ø  If there was ever a time for men and women of faith to trust God, that time is now and not later.

Ø  If there was ever a time for men and women of faith to stand up and to be counted, that time is now and not later.

Ø  If there was ever a time for men and women of faith to get together on matters of faith, that time is now and not later. 

Ø  If there was ever a time for men and women of faith to build up their community, that time is now and not later.

Ø  If there was ever a time for men and women of faith to be part of something positive, that time in now and not later.

Ø  If there was ever a time for men and women of faith to let God establish and build them up, that time in now and not later.

Ø  If there was ever a time for men and women of faith to get a hold on God, that time is now and not later.

Ø  If there was ever a time for men and women of faith to believe in the power of God, that time is now and not later.

Ø  If there was ever a time for men and women of faith to get involved to make the church, the world a better place, that time is now and not later

Ø  The Time is Now and Not Later

Monday, January 21, 2013

I Am A Child

I am a Child of the Most High God... and God Loves Me and has given Me speical Gifts to use for His Glory... and God has a special plan for my Life...

"Know this Today, that the plans God has for You are always correct, fair and balance.  In fact they are out of this world" John 14: 1-3.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

To Believe Once More

As you grow older it is hard to be shielded from the reality of life and the loss of pure innocent like a child.  When we were children, so much of life was about having fun, leaning things, full of joy, bright eyes, smiles, laughter and the future. 


Soon as the years pass by, our memory fades, vision blurs, hair greys, hands tire, body aches, wrinkles appear and our walk slows.  It not that we have lost sight of what we once had, but rather the fact that we miss it, those days of old.  It is the reality that we are touched by those precious memories, how they linger and continue to flood our souls.     


“Know this today, that we are all children of God and that He continues to watch over every person regardless of age and time.”    



Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Race To The Top

When my sons were young and living in Savannah, Georgia, I use to race them up and down the street. At that time it was easy to achieve success, they seemed to always look forward to those father/son challenges. However, as the years passed and as my sons grew older, stronger and wiser, the roles soon changed. Our races took on new meaning and the results changed as well. I was no longer winning, but rather just trying not to finish last.

Similarly, all races worth running will change over time. However, each race requires purpose, preparation, and perspective. Having a clear purpose of why you are in a particular race helps to maintain your motivation. And motivation is the fuel that ignites the passion that give the race real meaning.

When preparing for our races, one must keep in mind that “It’s not how you start, but rather how you finish” and that preparation is necessary to ensure that outcomes are achieved. We always must remember that most races are not won by the most talented, best looking, most skillful, most successful; but rather are won by the best prepared.

Keeping a proper perspective about what the race is really about, to keep it in context helps to maintain a healthy balance between expectations and outcomes. Perspective is linked to perception and it finds its foundation in what you can believe about something, past experiences, what you read or hear or even learned from the experiences of others.

“Know this Today, our road map to the top is always known by God, for God will order our steps and will provide us with the necessary help along the way.”


Monday, January 14, 2013

You Got to Believe

"Belief is to know that outcomes equal expectations.  It is when something comes not because it will happen, but because I expected it to appear.  It’s the difference maker that separates those who talk about doing something and those who make something happen."   


“Know this today that God is expecting you to do something unique that will impact the world for years to come.”

O How Majestic

“The closer we get to God the bigger He becomes and the smaller our problems seem to be.” 


“Know this today that a problem to God is His specialty and it does not matter our size – for we are all made in His image.” 

Thursday, January 10, 2013


“When we uphold our light to the Light that God provides: there is a difference in the size and the reflection it casts.”

“Know this today that God helps us to see things that no other one can imagine.”

Paid in Full

“Our daily bread is just a reflection of God’s continue promise to those who are called by His name and know that each passing day the receipt for that day - is paid in full.”  

“Know this today that the price tag for daily blessings is simple – give God your best.” 


Monday, January 7, 2013

When it all Looks the Same

“Looks sometimes are deceiving," they say.   Many things appear to be harmless, identical or duplicates, they may not be or the real deal. 

In our lives, things will happen to us that will test us, challenge us or even overwhelm our best efforts to remain strong and unique - Even when things appear to be the same; when your uniqueness is compromise by fear, intimation and limitations. 

“Know this today that God knows each of us and that our true makeup is only known by Him.”   

The Promise

“God keeps promises, the proof often shows up in the sky for all to see.

And the real deal is that you can see and experience if for yourself.”

“Know this today that God is faithful.”

Friday, January 4, 2013

Being Loved

“I know the different between being appreciated and being loved.  Being appreciated is respecting what I contribute to a cause or for solving a problem, the rewards come simple. 

But being loved comes because I am a child of God and I know that He loves me.”

“Know this today that the love that God gives can never by measured in human terms.” 


“Never lose sight of the big picture, for it is only through perspective that we gain insight in knowing the difference between God’s blessings and man’s selfishness.”   

“Know this today that the view that God has is always correct and in focus.”  

The Power of Inspiration

"Motivated people do a job because of what they get out of it; pay, position and prestige;

But inspired people do a job because they believe in the cause – regardless of the material rewards.” 

“Know this today that God gives us what we need when we need it most.”

In The Times

“In times of fulfillment, put it in your pocket;
In lean times, put it in your heart;

In spiritual matters - place it is your Soul.”

“Know this today that what you put in or go through will always be counted towards greater rewards.”  

Take Charge

“In times of happiness, remember that You are in charge of making that happen.” 

Never leave your happiness in the hands of others; take charge and take action to become a person of wholeness, uniqueness inspiration and love.”

“Know this today that God provides us with the ability to handle and maneuver while being in life’s traffic.”  

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Real Race

“The road to success begins with you.

No matter what the distance – remember  each race contains its own set of  challenges, obstacles, hills, valleys, curves and straight-aways.  The real object of a race is not that you will start, but can you finish.

“Know this today that you must believe always in the God who gives you endurance, patience and know that He believes in you.

Now!  Behold the finish line.”

Within Reach

“In times of worry and of uncertain outcomes, remember that there is no situation that God allows us to get into that He can not get us out of.”

“Know this today that God’s arms are long enough, His hands are strong enough and His love is deep enough to reach each of us - all the time.”

Uncoditional Love

“Unconditional love provides one with the capacity to overcome their shortcomings while enabling them to enrich the lives of those around them.”

“Know this today that behind the love you always give, will always come back to you in a greater portion.”  

The Steps of Faith

“The small steps of faith can help one to achieve unbelievable results in times of great challenges. 

Challenges last only for a season, but faith will last an eternity.”

“Know this today that even when we miss a step or two as we are climbing, God is always their to catch before we fall.” 


“Unconditional Love is the greatest Gift a parent can give to their Children;

Honor is the greatest gift a Child can give to their parents; 

True Devotion is the greatest Gift a husband or wife give to each other;    
And, Eternal Life is the greatest gift God gave to a dying world through Jesus Christ.”

“Know this today that the best gifts always come gift wrapped from above.”