Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Show Must Go ON!

It is just interesting to meet people who don’t know where they are going, they live my any means necessary, buy what they want and then beg their needs.  They are just as phony as a seven dollar bill, wrap up into themselves… it’s all about them, want what you have and will try to get what you have earned.  You really find them out after they get what they want from you and then move on and leave you with the left overs, wasted time, loneliness, sadness, broken promises and unfilled reality.   

Some call them the great pretenders, the lone sharks, the long wolfs and con artist, shady characters, they are here and they are looking for the next victims to pull their con game on.  I thought they “loved me,” was the cry of the person who had their heart broken by someone that really did not mean them well.  There my brothers and sisters are too many takers and not enough givers in this world.  As long as you can make them money, have an ability to do well, they are in your corner, pushing you to the highest level.  However, you can see right through them…money funny…change strange… I fell all heels in love with them…and now I know… they just came for a drive by…into your life, into your wallet, into your emotions, walking tall, with nothing else to offer.  And all you have now is the damage emotions, shatter dreams, and a rain check.    

There is nothing more important in life then to meet real people, who are confident and sure of who they are, know where they have been and are keenly aware of where they are going… they are who they say they are, mean what they say, live with values and … in order words they walk the walk and talk the talk.  It is  refreshing to meet people with impeccable integrity, amazing moral courage and unbelievable faith.  They live by the moral code, that if God said, they believe it and that settles it.  They are wonderful and thoughtful, and come along to encourage and inspire you.   

In the circus world the ring master would begin each show with an opening speech..."Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of all Ages"... he would continue on and say... "Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth"   It was also BT Barnum (1800) and later Noel Cowell (1950)  who adopted the phase "The show must go on" as a part of their business…meaning that regardless of what happens, the show must still be put on for the waiting patrons.  And so is it in life in general, good, bad or indifference… One must keep moving on with God regardless of what other people do.   So what do you think? 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Building On A Solid Foundation

You are what you eat is a common phase that is used when one is considering taking the advice from those who are concerned about serious dieting.  In other words, what we consume is reflective of our habits and it does not take long for those habits to reveal themselves in terms on how we look, feel about ourselves and the impact it has on our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. 

Similarly, in the rest of our lives, what we practice or the habits we undertake also affects the way we look at things, feel about things and see other people.  In some cases people who have bad habits too often find room to criticize others when they really need to first take a good look at themselves.  Take a look in the mirror before you point the finger at someone else.  For many of us have a long way to go in building our own homes, we all have cracks in our lives, have limited number of chips to use, need some kind of makeover or repairs. 

If the truth were told, none of us are operating at our full potential or where we need to be in the eyes of the Lord.  For Victoria is not the only one with some secrets or two, we all have fallen short, not playing with a full deck or come up with empty or weak hand.   See, one thing about shortcomings, it puts us all on the same level, in the same neighborhood.  None of us are perfect, complete, none of us are so righteous, or holy and without faults.  We all have some growing to do and a ways to get there.   See what some people have is a bad case of secrets and secrets feed addictions.  And when you have an addiction and if it is an unhealthy one, can only lead only to an early destruction and an early grave.     

Habits define us and reveal a lot about us.  If we smoke, it affects our lungs, it shortens our breath, it affects our vision and if we continue on, it leads to lung cancer.   If we drink alcoholic products, it affects our emotions, depletes our energy, it takes away our ability to reason well, and if we continue on, it leads to numerous complications.  If we have a habit of procreation, it affects what gets done, it limits our ability to get and hold a job, and if we continue on, it leads to missing a lot of God given opportunities.  
On the other hand, if we have a habit of attending worship, being on time for prayer and praise, not when I feel like it, not when it is convened, not when other people like me or not, but when you have a habit to worshiping God, regardless and when your values are aligned with God values, commandments and statues, then we got something going on… a solid foundation.    And great things will always happen.