Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Am I Good Enough

One of the most difficult things in life to deal with is rejection.   It is a feeling that you go through when you are told that you are not good enough; don’t have the skills necessary for the position; lack the talent to get it done; lack the experience or education; you don’t fit in; you can’t make the cut; it’s not your time or intended for you.    

It’s the feeling that you feel when you are being denied the opportunity to demonstrate that you can do the job, you have the right skills, abilities to get things done, that you matter or that you are equally prepared to handle the task at hand.  
It is amazing that no matter what you do or say and how you present yourself, you still may be rejected by others.  People reject other people all the time, it could because of looks, experience, lack of interest, race, age, culture, because they are so mean or have another person in mind all the time.  And many times the opinions of others are all wrong.   

Sometimes God has to allow us to go through things and experience rejection first hand in order for us to have a better sense of what others are going through.  The emotions at times are very “raw” and “surreal” as we attempt to come to terms with what it all means.  In so many ways as we journey through dealing with rejection on so many levels, it becomes a part of who we are and what we understand about the world in which we live in.   
Rejection is nothing new; it is as old as history and will stretch way into eternity.  Jesus suffered rejection during His earthly life, on the cross and even today.   Men and women turn their backs, faith and trust in the Lord.  Sometimes when I think about what my parents and fore parents when through in this American experience to make things work out towards a brighter future, then I am enough, for I know that God is always with me and He makes me good enough.