Monday, October 28, 2013

We Light This Candle - A Litany

Lighting Candles for Special Occasions

The Past
  1. We light this candle in the memory of those that we have lost.  For we draw strength in knowing that their lives were important to us and that they are in a better place.
  2. We light this candle to remember those who were lost during wars.  For we continue to pray for those families who now only have cherished memory of their loved one.   
  3. We light this candle for the times in which we lost our way.  For we know that by the grace of God, we were lead out of darkness into His marvelous light.
  4. We light this candle for those who are suffering in our community, state, nation and throughout the world.  For we know that our help can make a difference in others. 
  5. We light this candle for those who are dying from disease, war, famine, injustice and indifference.  For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall he hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock.

The Present
  1. We light this candle in the hope that others will see the light of God shining in our lives. For by my footsteps, I chose to follow Christ. 
  2. We light this candle for our families and those we love so dearly.  For when a family prays together they can stay together.   
  3. We light this candle for our family members who need Christ in their lives.  For we know that Christ is the only answer and if any man be in Christ, they are new creatures.    
  4. We light this candle in the spirit of fellowship and spiritual renewal.  For the times of refreshing come from being in the presence of the Lord. 
  5. We light this candle in the love that we share abroad. For there is no greater love then for a man to lie down his life for friends and Christ did it all.      
  6. We light this candle for those are living in poverty.  For verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
  7. We light this candle for those families that are dealing with the loss of loved ones due to gun violence, drug addition, domestic violence, and sex trafficking.  For we know that  God will comfort us no matter what we are going through. 
  8. We light this candle for those dealing with various sicknesses and illnesses, cancers, and trauma and mental health conditions.  For we know that He is the God that healed thee.        
  9. We light this candle knowing that God is love and that pure love cast out all fear.  For there is no greater love in the entire world than the love that comes from God. 
  10. We light this candle for community leaders, those in government, the President of our great nation.  For blessed in the nation whose God is Lord. 
  11. We light this candle for all the mothers, who continue to raise their children according to God commandments. For to train up a child in way they should go and when they are old they will not turn from it.
  12. We light this candle for all the fathers, who continue to raise their children in the fear of the Lord.  For we know that a father in the home and in the community makes a big difference. 
The Future
  1. We light this candle in the belief that my best days are ahead of me.  For we know that God is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him. 
  2. We light this candle for our youth that they may come to a saving knowledge while they are young.   For when I was a child, spoke as child and did thing as a child, but when we became adults we put away childish things.  Getting an education is the answer and not a question.
  3. We light this candle for hope, faith and charity.   For with them we can do great things and the greatest of these three is charity.  Charity never fails. 
  4. We light this candle for pastors and church leaders.  For we know that God will continue to provide spiritual guidance in times of great challengesWe light this candle so that we can combat the spirit of fear, disbelief, mistrust and dishonesty.  For the weapons we use are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
  5. We light this candle to give us a spirit of prayer.  For we know that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
  6. We light this candle for those who are willing to make a difference in a trouble world.  For blessed are the peace maker for they shall be called the children of God. 
  7. We light this candle for Grace Fellowship Church, it members and spiritual leaders.  For proclaiming the endeavor “it’s not how you start, but how you finish” and in God’s hand the best is yet to come.      AMEM
Pastor Dr. Andrew Calhoun, Ed.D.

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