Saturday, February 23, 2013

All God Asks...

God paid a heavy cost to reconcile his creation to himself.   To reconcile a fallen and tainted mankind to become realigned to His Will once again.  Because of sin and disobedient, a rift came between God and man… It happened in the Garden, but… it happen at the beginning.  However, it was at the cross of Calvary, God paid the price to bring a fallen humanity back to where it started and in right fellowship with Him.  He paid the price of allowing His son, Jesus Christ to die for humanities sin on the cross. 

God continues to be in love with His creation, that God will go any length, go any distance, go to any possibility, go to any pot hole, go to any mountain, go to any desert wildness, to any drug house, to any dysfunctional family, to any valley, back alley, to any pit, to any place, any time and any space, just to prove His love for us. 

For God’s arms are long enough, his hands are big enough and his grips is firm enough to go on any rescue mission for those He loves and are called by His name.  For it is for His Name sake that all of this is possible… we did not build this world…  Without a doubt, God loves all of us so much, that God continues to make a way each and every day…  

All God asks in return… is that we Love Him Back… to worship Him in spirit and truth… to thank Him for our blessings… Praise Him for life, health and strength…       

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