Monday, October 28, 2013

We Light This Candle - A Litany

Lighting Candles for Special Occasions

The Past
  1. We light this candle in the memory of those that we have lost.  For we draw strength in knowing that their lives were important to us and that they are in a better place.
  2. We light this candle to remember those who were lost during wars.  For we continue to pray for those families who now only have cherished memory of their loved one.   
  3. We light this candle for the times in which we lost our way.  For we know that by the grace of God, we were lead out of darkness into His marvelous light.
  4. We light this candle for those who are suffering in our community, state, nation and throughout the world.  For we know that our help can make a difference in others. 
  5. We light this candle for those who are dying from disease, war, famine, injustice and indifference.  For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall he hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock.

The Present
  1. We light this candle in the hope that others will see the light of God shining in our lives. For by my footsteps, I chose to follow Christ. 
  2. We light this candle for our families and those we love so dearly.  For when a family prays together they can stay together.   
  3. We light this candle for our family members who need Christ in their lives.  For we know that Christ is the only answer and if any man be in Christ, they are new creatures.    
  4. We light this candle in the spirit of fellowship and spiritual renewal.  For the times of refreshing come from being in the presence of the Lord. 
  5. We light this candle in the love that we share abroad. For there is no greater love then for a man to lie down his life for friends and Christ did it all.      
  6. We light this candle for those are living in poverty.  For verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
  7. We light this candle for those families that are dealing with the loss of loved ones due to gun violence, drug addition, domestic violence, and sex trafficking.  For we know that  God will comfort us no matter what we are going through. 
  8. We light this candle for those dealing with various sicknesses and illnesses, cancers, and trauma and mental health conditions.  For we know that He is the God that healed thee.        
  9. We light this candle knowing that God is love and that pure love cast out all fear.  For there is no greater love in the entire world than the love that comes from God. 
  10. We light this candle for community leaders, those in government, the President of our great nation.  For blessed in the nation whose God is Lord. 
  11. We light this candle for all the mothers, who continue to raise their children according to God commandments. For to train up a child in way they should go and when they are old they will not turn from it.
  12. We light this candle for all the fathers, who continue to raise their children in the fear of the Lord.  For we know that a father in the home and in the community makes a big difference. 
The Future
  1. We light this candle in the belief that my best days are ahead of me.  For we know that God is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him. 
  2. We light this candle for our youth that they may come to a saving knowledge while they are young.   For when I was a child, spoke as child and did thing as a child, but when we became adults we put away childish things.  Getting an education is the answer and not a question.
  3. We light this candle for hope, faith and charity.   For with them we can do great things and the greatest of these three is charity.  Charity never fails. 
  4. We light this candle for pastors and church leaders.  For we know that God will continue to provide spiritual guidance in times of great challengesWe light this candle so that we can combat the spirit of fear, disbelief, mistrust and dishonesty.  For the weapons we use are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
  5. We light this candle to give us a spirit of prayer.  For we know that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
  6. We light this candle for those who are willing to make a difference in a trouble world.  For blessed are the peace maker for they shall be called the children of God. 
  7. We light this candle for Grace Fellowship Church, it members and spiritual leaders.  For proclaiming the endeavor “it’s not how you start, but how you finish” and in God’s hand the best is yet to come.      AMEM
Pastor Dr. Andrew Calhoun, Ed.D.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

RIse Up and Walk

In the movie “Hitch” the leading man (character) is called Hitch and is being played by Will Smith and he makes this statement… “Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away.”

For this man at the pool of Bethesda, for 14,600 days, not including leap years… that would be another 9.5 days…had been taking breaths each day, watching and waiting for his chance to get into the pool when the water would be stirred by an angel… But on this day, after those days, he finds himself having a moment that took his breath away… and was healed.  

This man at the Pool of Bethesda laid there in a life situation for him was not going to get any better, regardless of what he believed would happen.   There were too many people at the pool in the first place to make any different.  People with various infirmities… all looking for a chance, an opportunity to be healed, when the water was troubled. 

This man had seen others with some help when the pool became troubled that were able to get them into the pool, but according to the text had no one to help him if and when the water would become troubled. 

But all in a day, all in an instant, all in a moment of time all in a chance encounter with Jesus, all in the wildest of dreams, when things seemed all be lost, something happen and it happen because Jesus showed up in this man’s life.  From my front pouch, Jesus does not only show up in public places, but also in on your street, your front pouch, living room and in your secret closet. 

I do not know what comes first in your life, but you are either going to embrace where you are in your life or embrace what will come, all because you have allowed the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings and the good shepherd into your life. For when Jesus comes, a change is going to come into your life…”it’s the moments that take your breath away.” 

And every moment with Jesus… is awesome.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Taking The Right Road

There are many roads in life to walk…..however there are two roads that are miss understood and not travel to their end…

The road to redemption and the road to forgiveness are made up of the same kind of emotional material.  Both roads lead to unbelievable outcomes and both require the active participation of the individual who travels either road.   Likewise the roads, each of us will travel the roads of belief and unbelief, the roads of faith and doubt.    No matter, what road you are on today, each road has turns of uncertainty, curves of wait and see, bends that keep on going and going, and yes each road travel has speed limits.  You can only go so fast based on your experience and understanding.  Like the old cowboy once said to a new arrival in town, “you are not from around here.” 
Each road walked in life requires self-examination, personal reflection and a made up mind to make it to the end.  Like most modern road ways today, what is seen on the surface and its durability has more to do with what lies under to support and undergirds the surface than what the surface is made out of. 
The inner foundation of an individual has more to do with outcomes than a person’s outward appearance.  In other words, you can look like a million dollars, but can struggle with inner demons of abuse, alcoholism, drugs, emotional disorders and social discomfort. On the other hand you can have little to nothing, but have peace of mind, heart, health and soul.  In the end and at the end of the day, you are happy and enjoying life to its fullest.  
In the end this race we travel is not given to the swift nor to the strong, but to those who have endured to the end.   Each road you travel will forever change you, your perspective about life and others, sometimes these experiences along these roads will leave you bitter or can make your better.  Sometimes these road experiences will reshape your way thinking about people, their issues and passion. Sometimes these road experiences will leave you with emotional baggage of hurt and disappointment. 
Nevertheless the road experience you go through, if you have God on board, in your life, the journey on the road of life will turn out to be the best, for where He lead me I will follow.   

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Show Must Go ON!

It is just interesting to meet people who don’t know where they are going, they live my any means necessary, buy what they want and then beg their needs.  They are just as phony as a seven dollar bill, wrap up into themselves… it’s all about them, want what you have and will try to get what you have earned.  You really find them out after they get what they want from you and then move on and leave you with the left overs, wasted time, loneliness, sadness, broken promises and unfilled reality.   

Some call them the great pretenders, the lone sharks, the long wolfs and con artist, shady characters, they are here and they are looking for the next victims to pull their con game on.  I thought they “loved me,” was the cry of the person who had their heart broken by someone that really did not mean them well.  There my brothers and sisters are too many takers and not enough givers in this world.  As long as you can make them money, have an ability to do well, they are in your corner, pushing you to the highest level.  However, you can see right through them…money funny…change strange… I fell all heels in love with them…and now I know… they just came for a drive by…into your life, into your wallet, into your emotions, walking tall, with nothing else to offer.  And all you have now is the damage emotions, shatter dreams, and a rain check.    

There is nothing more important in life then to meet real people, who are confident and sure of who they are, know where they have been and are keenly aware of where they are going… they are who they say they are, mean what they say, live with values and … in order words they walk the walk and talk the talk.  It is  refreshing to meet people with impeccable integrity, amazing moral courage and unbelievable faith.  They live by the moral code, that if God said, they believe it and that settles it.  They are wonderful and thoughtful, and come along to encourage and inspire you.   

In the circus world the ring master would begin each show with an opening speech..."Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of all Ages"... he would continue on and say... "Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth"   It was also BT Barnum (1800) and later Noel Cowell (1950)  who adopted the phase "The show must go on" as a part of their business…meaning that regardless of what happens, the show must still be put on for the waiting patrons.  And so is it in life in general, good, bad or indifference… One must keep moving on with God regardless of what other people do.   So what do you think? 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Building On A Solid Foundation

You are what you eat is a common phase that is used when one is considering taking the advice from those who are concerned about serious dieting.  In other words, what we consume is reflective of our habits and it does not take long for those habits to reveal themselves in terms on how we look, feel about ourselves and the impact it has on our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. 

Similarly, in the rest of our lives, what we practice or the habits we undertake also affects the way we look at things, feel about things and see other people.  In some cases people who have bad habits too often find room to criticize others when they really need to first take a good look at themselves.  Take a look in the mirror before you point the finger at someone else.  For many of us have a long way to go in building our own homes, we all have cracks in our lives, have limited number of chips to use, need some kind of makeover or repairs. 

If the truth were told, none of us are operating at our full potential or where we need to be in the eyes of the Lord.  For Victoria is not the only one with some secrets or two, we all have fallen short, not playing with a full deck or come up with empty or weak hand.   See, one thing about shortcomings, it puts us all on the same level, in the same neighborhood.  None of us are perfect, complete, none of us are so righteous, or holy and without faults.  We all have some growing to do and a ways to get there.   See what some people have is a bad case of secrets and secrets feed addictions.  And when you have an addiction and if it is an unhealthy one, can only lead only to an early destruction and an early grave.     

Habits define us and reveal a lot about us.  If we smoke, it affects our lungs, it shortens our breath, it affects our vision and if we continue on, it leads to lung cancer.   If we drink alcoholic products, it affects our emotions, depletes our energy, it takes away our ability to reason well, and if we continue on, it leads to numerous complications.  If we have a habit of procreation, it affects what gets done, it limits our ability to get and hold a job, and if we continue on, it leads to missing a lot of God given opportunities.  
On the other hand, if we have a habit of attending worship, being on time for prayer and praise, not when I feel like it, not when it is convened, not when other people like me or not, but when you have a habit to worshiping God, regardless and when your values are aligned with God values, commandments and statues, then we got something going on… a solid foundation.    And great things will always happen.   

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

It Makes You Stronger

Do you need to get away…right now?   Have you ever had one of those awkward moments?  Try to hide after doing something that made you feel embarrassed?  Said something before thinking?  Are things becoming more difficult with each passing day and is life becoming more complicated?  Just though I would ask and in light of the outcome of the last decision that did not go the way it was planned.  You are not along.   It happens even to the best of us. 

It goes without saying and in most cases, like my grandmother use to say, “boy... whatever does not destroy you… only will make you stronger…”   See, if you chose to live your life in the fast lane… you will get a speeding ticket at some time” and “if you think the grass is greener on the other side… and you think about jumping the fence or climbing over… guest what... it too needs mowing.”  
No matter how you look at it, we all need and use some wisdom in our daily lives.  We can save ourselves a lot of headaches…backaches, jaw aches and neck breaks… if we can only apply what we learn.

The challenge is to always keep growing in knowledge and wisdom…   

Saturday, February 23, 2013

God Knows Your Potential

No matter how low we get… The Lord knows our potential… and the greatest thing about each of us is our ability to rise above our problems, to make a comeback, to be afforded a second chance, another opportunity, that many of our best days are in front of us and not in the past… 

And it is with every step that we take forward… God is always with us… to allow us the opportunity to be ourselves, regardless of what others think, believe or say… God loves you, nevertheless...

God is always there … to ensure that no matter what happens… God never leaves us… People may turn their back on you, but God will never… leave you or forsake you … through the good and the bad… when I am happy or sad… God is still there

When I give the best of my service for the up building of God’s Kingdom… God takes care of my business…

When other forsake me, God will take up my cause… for the Battle belongs to Him… for no weapon formed against me will prosper… for I know that Man limitations are only God’s Opportunities… Man looks at the outside… but God looks at the heart… I once was young and now am old and I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread…  

I am not walking through this life along… every step I take, every breath I make… God is watching and is the wind beneath my wings… the joy in my soul, the pep in my steps, center of my joy, hope for tomorrow, God is Awesome.. and I have searched all over and still cannot find nobody… nobody greater than Him…   

So today, what will it be… Stay right where you are in your condition of   oppression, depression, addiction, or messy situation… or listen to what Jesus is saying today…. Do you want to be heal? And say “Yes.”  Then take up your bed and walk… put the mat on your back and stroll down the road to redemption, revival, acceptance… come to the church and give thanks to God for your release, and go and sin no.   

Know this I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back…

Jesus Knows Your Limitations

No matter how you describe it --- a lot of people today, struggle to overcome their weaknesses and limitations.

They develop an inferior complex about what others think of them, and lose their confident in doing things, to push forward, to move on, to go and achieve, to become the best that they can be.  They lack the motivation to get things done… to solve their own problems… need to be healed from a number of things… even people.

Too often people with limitations make up excises as a way to cover up and to limit their exposure to others…  They shy away from opportunities that can bring them the help they need.  They try to disguise the pain, the shame, avoid the question, try to not to be notice or draw attention to themselves, operating in the shadows all the time.  They wear the makeup and the costumes of being happy on the outside, but another person totally on the inside…  

Know this: Even when I am hallucinating, having anxiety attacks, irritability, intense cravings for other things, withdrawal and physiological dependent on things… God knows my limitations … and is always there to make the difference in my life, to keep me balance, grounded, safe and secure through His word and love.

Jesus Knows Your Condition

No matter how long you have been going through --- Jesus knows your condition and what kind of healing we all need.  Healing that is either physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually… or all of the above.

Even when we become addicted to our disability – some people are addicted to suffering… if they were not going through something their life would be empty…  They are always going or have to find something to worry about… 'I going through'… and if you take away or solve the problem… they will turn on you… for their sickness or illness defines them… and it is what makes them tick. 

They become addicted to being disabled in one way or another physically, mentally, emotionally… addicted to being helpless, addicted to drugs (illegal and prescription), being broke, being down and out, being lonely, being an outcast, being sad, being mad, be misunderstood, being attracted to the wrong kind of people .

Know this: Even when we hit rock bottom - Jesus is there… and knows what condition we are in… and is there to heal whatever problem we have.

All God Asks...

God paid a heavy cost to reconcile his creation to himself.   To reconcile a fallen and tainted mankind to become realigned to His Will once again.  Because of sin and disobedient, a rift came between God and man… It happened in the Garden, but… it happen at the beginning.  However, it was at the cross of Calvary, God paid the price to bring a fallen humanity back to where it started and in right fellowship with Him.  He paid the price of allowing His son, Jesus Christ to die for humanities sin on the cross. 

God continues to be in love with His creation, that God will go any length, go any distance, go to any possibility, go to any pot hole, go to any mountain, go to any desert wildness, to any drug house, to any dysfunctional family, to any valley, back alley, to any pit, to any place, any time and any space, just to prove His love for us. 

For God’s arms are long enough, his hands are big enough and his grips is firm enough to go on any rescue mission for those He loves and are called by His name.  For it is for His Name sake that all of this is possible… we did not build this world…  Without a doubt, God loves all of us so much, that God continues to make a way each and every day…  

All God asks in return… is that we Love Him Back… to worship Him in spirit and truth… to thank Him for our blessings… Praise Him for life, health and strength…       

Sunday, February 10, 2013

I Came This Way

Life is what you make it, they say.

When I look back and take into account the life of my parents and grandparents and even my forefathers and mothers, I have no excuses for where I am.  They endured much, segregation, injustice, lack of resources, prejudices, access to a quality education, economic mobility and social opportunity.  My burdens, if you will, are light in comparison to what they when through.  Why should I complain?  

There is nothing that they could have done to fully prepare me for the experiences that I have encountered in the 21st century.  The pathway and the people you meet in life are the only indications of what to expect in life.  My life experiences have included resentment, hate, misunderstood and setbacks.  It was not that I expect more; rather it was what I received. 

One of my mother’s sayings was it is not where you come from that makes all the different, but where are you headed.   For your past, is what you are and never forget that; however where you have come from and where you are headed is another matter.  A person, who can’t bless the bones of their past, will not fully enjoy the experience of the blessings in the present and future.  For it is through the blessings of our ancestors that enables each of us to believe and appreciate success in the future.      

You came this way, not because you are smart, wise, handsome, beautiful, rich, or poor, but because you were born into God’s world and He always knows your past, path and promise.   

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Public Victory Comes When...

Ø If there is no private victory, then there can never be a public victory. 

o   For it is in the private victory in which we learn and depend on the one who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Ø The public victory comes when    

o   The private victory begins and when we have die to sin, accept the Lord as my personal savior, been redeemed through the blood of Jesus Christ, been transformed through the word and I am walking the talk and talking the walk.  

Ø The public victory comes when   

o   The private victory helps us to look to the hills from whence our help come from and shout out load that my help comes from God and God along. 

Ø The public victory comes when 

o   The private victory enables us look beyond the intent of people and see the larger picture.

Ø The public victory comes when   

o   The private victory ensures us that living for Christ is where it is at, what is happening and is the real deal.

Ø The public victory comes when   

o   The private victory allows us to declare that If it happen been for the Lord, who is on my side, where would I be.

Ø The public victory comes when   

o   The private victory allows me to see others and not be jealous of them, appreciate them and accept them for who they are.

Ø The public victory comes when   

o   The private victory permits me to continue to grow in His word, grow in a right relationship, grow in raising my children, grow in the right direction, grow to not get weary, for in due season I will reap if I don’t faith.  For I know, they that wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings of eagles, run and not faint.  

Ø The public victory comes when   

o   The private victory happens and I know that I know, of what I know and who I know in God.

Ø The public victory comes when   

o   The private victory lets me to ask and it shall be given, I can seek and find and Knock and it shall be open onto me. 

Ø The public victory comes when   

o   The private victory allocates to me that it is not about me, but it is about God, and if I take care of God’s business, then God will take care of my business.

Ø The public victory comes when

o   The private victory enables me to keep the quilt of my past in perspective and helps me to live victorious in spike of my failures, my shortcomings and allows me to use those situations as stepping stones to new opportunities.   

Ø The public victory comes when   

o   The private victory gives me digital footprint in God.  For in God I have a Facebook, Myspace page, twitter, blog, email, text message, Yahoo, Google, Youtube, xbox, play station, Iphone and blackberry.

Ø For… “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.”  PS 91:1

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Choices We Make

I know that everyday life puts a lot of stress and strain on people.  The anxiety mounts each day as we make choices that will affect our family, our careers and each of us personally.  We have a choice in every step that we take and every decision we make.  The choice you make can go from just accepting the reality of everyday life or to do something special because it is right to do… it’s for the best. 

Everyone, if they admit it or not have made some great and wonderful choices, choices that made you smile, choices to be proud of, something to build upon, choices that help to build and not take away.  Choices that you rejoice in and say well done… me.  The choice is marriage, as parents, in managing money, good price, and a fair deal. 

Or the other hand, we have if we bold enough to admit it as well have made some poor choices.  Some poor choices of friends, in conversations, direction, how and what I spend money on, affects the outcome.  If it’s not one thing then it is another.   Then there are those choices that are hard to make.  The questions that these choices pose are amazing.

I firmly believe that the more we seek God, study God’s work, enrich our lives in devotion through prayer the easier the answers becomes to those tough questions.   


Monday, February 4, 2013

Acknowledge God's Leading

"Where are you heading?" asked the young man of his elder.  The elder said, I am on my way to complete the quest that I set out on some years ago....  The young man than asked... why has it taken you so long to complete your quest.... The elder responsed... I did not set out to complete my quest in a few days... but rather... I wanted to take my time inorder to enjoy the journey....

Too offen, we miss the present moment because we are always looking for the future and the quick fix...


When we are being lead by God... it is always a journey for a life time...

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way." Psalm 37:23